Four Votes

Our family decided to wait to vote on the “official day” of voting; the first Tuesday of November.  That’s because our two oldest children were able to cast their first votes in a presidential election.  Abbey went with her father this morning at 7:00 a.m.; a five-minute wait.  Eric and I went at 9:30 a.m. with no wait.  This was the first time I was able to use a computerized voting system; it was pretty cool.  WeTo understand the actual mode of action of this amino acid, L-Arginine facilitates the body cheap viagra to produce nitric oxide which relaxes the blood vessels in the reproductive organ and allows more blood supply to cause an erection. all wore our “I Voted” stickers and will be eagerly watching the results.

I feel each candidate for President has his pros and cons.  I went with what I felt was most important overall.  Whoever wins, I look to hope for what that person brings for the positive and hope for the best with his negatives.  I am proud to live in the promised land of America and pray that Heavenly Father continues to bless us.

4 responses to “Four Votes

  1. I’m hoping most people take the same attitude. We all need to move ahead.

  2. lol, my anti-spam word was “chill” – that seems very appropriate today! ;^)

    we took the boys with us to vote also – right into the booth. they got their “i voted” stickers and were so proud to participate in the process.

  3. How cool to be able to vote alongside your kids 🙂

  4. Congratulations to Abbey & Eric on their first election. And Amen to the thoughts you expressed here.