The Kittens are Growing Up!

Since I shared the birth pictures of our batch of kittens here on my blog, I thought I would share an update.  They are all six months old and have just recently been spayed and neutered.  (Did you know that you might qualify through your local Humane Society for this to happen free at your local vet?  Ask at your local vet, because they might not share this information with you since I think they have to reduce their rates paid.)  Hanabi was the kitten that was already born in the birth pictures.  She ended up a tri-color with black, orange and white.  She is named after a Naruto character.  Here she is as my first porch rocker kitten:

Then, here is the “star” of the blog post, Sammy.  As a child, I had a favorite cat named “Sam”, who at the time of memory, was an old orange tom cat.  I remember a particular “meeting of the neighborhood cats” in our backyard . . . all these tom cats were surrounding our gray female cat.  It appeared they were going to fight it out for her honor.  They were all circled around her, and then our Sam stood up and the fight was on.  (I watched the whole thing; it was SO cool!)  Sam roared at the first contenders, and three fled.  That just left my best friend’s black cat (I don’t remember his name).  They squared off, took some hits, ran to another part of our yard, the black cat did the hiss with the humped back, and Sam swiped off the hump where a clump of fur was hanging there, and off they ran through the neighbor’s yard, the black cat fleeing and Sam on his tail.  I asked my best friend the next day if her cat was home, and she said he was but that it looked like he was in a fight and looked worse for wear.  Sam was unharmed, so apparently, he won the hand of the fair maiden.  True story!

So, anyway, I always wanted an orange male cat to name him Sammy.  It was one of the big reasons I was attracted to this stray pregnant orange female.  So, now you know.  And she only had one orange cat:  a male.  Thus, why we named him Sammy.  And boy, is he ever a rogue.  He will plop anywhere, also, in the weirdest positions.  Here he is sleeping on the couch:

The next born was Wally, a pretty tan marble color (and the biggest but most laid back of the litter), seen here with Sammy as porch rocker cats:Generally, the drug prescribed for prostate problem consists of Alpha-blockers and it cannot be combined with Tadalafil or other generic purchased that on line levitra drugs that share functionalities.

And last born was Ellie.  She is also a tri-color of gray, orange and white.  My oldest son took to her the most because she was the most timid.  Every morning she comes into the house and heads straight for this son’s bedroom, meows the moment she enters his room after jumping up on his bed, and gets loved to death, and stays up with him most of the day.  Whenever he leaves, she follows him.  She’s his “pumpkin”. Her name came from the Harvest Moon video game.

So, there are the four kittens at six months old, enjoying the three rockers on our wraparound front porch at our log house.  Ah, I love our country home 🙂

2 responses to “The Kittens are Growing Up!

  1. That picture of Sammy made me laugh out loud! We recently took in a stray kitten who we think is now about 3 months old. I can hardly believe how she has almost doubled in size! Of course, it helps to be fed.

  2. You sound like quite the proud mama… I know I would be! Just can’t resist cat pics. Thanks so much for sharing!!