
It’s become my passion to share what I’ve learned from my seven unique children as I home educated them since 1992.

All of my children are right-brained learners. To learn more about the natural learning path for right-brained children, you can visit my website here. For those looking for a comprehensive understanding of the natural learning path for right-brained children, look into my book purchasing options.

I started speaking about my experiences with education at conferences in the year 2000. I usually speak 3 to 5 times a year. If you would like to have me speak In your area, contact your local or state conference organizers and refer me! I can be contacted at therightsideofnormal@gmail.com.

For conference organizers, here are some of my more popular workshop offerings. For parents and teachers, I will announce when I offer an on-line or downloadable version of my conference presentations. Feel free to let me know which presentation is of most interest to you!

For those looking for more personalized education support, I’m now offering education consultation service options. I have experience in diverse areas, including, but not limited to, strengths-based learning, collaborative learning, right-brained learning, individualized learning, unschooling, foster care adoption, autism, global delays, late reading (dyslexia), auditory processing differences, sensory differences, giftedness, mood disorders (including anxiety and bipolar), emotional intelligence development, social differences, highly sensitive natures, perfectionism, high school, and much more. Let me know what you’re looking for and I can let you know if I’m a good match for you or not.

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For local parents, I have preliminary information about my day center opening in the fall of 2017 as an option for parents wanting to homeschool, but either work or want more support. I hope for it to be a model for an affordable learning environment that will be replicable across the country. Feel free to share your ideas or interest.

I look forward to serving you!

2 responses to “Welcome!

  1. Hi Cindy, I am fascinated by the right brain learner and can relate to many of your blog posts.
    Are you going to open a day center? I would like to hear more.

  2. Have you started your day center yet? I clicked on the link above and it didn’t work. I’d love to know. I met you at the VA Homeschoolers Convention and mentioned I was a single mother who wants to home school. I’m thinking about relocating in order to do that. -Rhonda

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